Startseite » About us » Our team

The team
behind "Kolobok NFT"

ur team

The incredible "gang" behind the project. Koloboks, against all odds, rose to make the impossible possible - to bring the old, lost saga of the small and brave Kolobok to the common people again.

Our team

The incredible "gang" behind the project. Koloboks, against all odds, rose to make the impossible possible - to bring the old, lost saga of the small and brave Kolobok to the common people again.

As it is with projects - the first does nothing, the second did not listen and the third did all the work single-handedly. Exactly like that, only completely different, our hardworking Koloboks fought day and night to be able to present you freshly baked Koloboks.


Our muse and inspiration.
Designer kolobok.

  • PhotoShop
  • Illustrator

Can sing pictures...


Several layer backed kolobok.
IT takes time.

  • HTML/CSS (+ Bootstrap)
  • JavaScript (+ jQuery)
  • WordPress

Sees dead computers...


Also known as "hard cooked" Tony.
Public relations.

  • Email Marketing
  • Radio Marketing

Makes offers you can't refuse...